Overlords: makes them fastly spit 3 times on a fixed position with a small cooldown, range cannot be altered.Regular zombies: Makes them spit a wad of romero that splatters on contact with walls or humans, has near infinite range and is only limited by walls in the way.Spit: gained in The Last of the Living in the level "The Crossing", allows zombies to spit a wad of romero that damages humans and wakes up sleeping zombies.Tanks: Makes them roar which wakes up sleeping zombies and pushes back any humans caught in the blast into hazards or into other zombies.Crawlers: makes them scream in a medium radius, stunning humans and waking up sleeping zombies, can be done on walls.Overlords: makes them let out a loud growl in a large radius that wakes up sleeping zombies and causes the horde to crowd around said overlord, cannot stun humans, can be immediately changed to make zombies run/jump.Regular zombies: Makes them scream in a medium radius, stunning humans and waking up sleeping zombies regardless of barriers/walls between them.Scream: Gained in Terror in the City in the level "Railway to Hell", gives zombies the ability to scream which can wake up sleeping zombies as well as temporarily stun any nearby humans.will briefly pause after effect wears off, costs 10 DNA will also break through weaker walls and stronger doors.
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Jump: Gained in Deadly Addiction in the level "Burial Ground", this allows zombies to (as the name suggests) jump up to higher platforms they cannot normally reach.Tanks: causes them to inflate for a relatively long period of time before exploding in a very large radius, sends out several more frag chunks that can do additional damage to nearby humans and enviroment, must be done on ground, costs 10 dna.Crawlers: causes them to inflate for a short period of time before exploding in a small radius, can be done when clinging to walls without falling or mid air, costs 3 DNA.Overlords: causes them to inflate for a moderate amount of time before exploding in a medium radius, sends out several more frag chunks that can do additional damage to nearby humans and environment, costs 6 DNA.Regular zombies: causes them to inflate for a short period of time before exploding in a small radius, can be done mid air, costs 3 DNA.Explode: Gained in Deadly Addicton in the level "Dead Heist", the explode ability allows zombies to essentially blow themselves up which can blast through weaker walls, sturdy doors, or damage and infect nearby humans caught in the blast radius.Abilities are mutations working together to produce a unique effect - usually very deadly for any humans caught in the same room as the combo-infused zombie.